DISCORD RULES______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Rule 3 ➟ All rules (if applicable) apply to voice chats as well as some may apply to direct messages. Failure to comply with rules in VC's or DM's may result in the same punishment in the discord server.
Rule 4 ➟ Spamming in any form is not allowed. This includes character spam, message spam, emoji spam, or excessive use of the soundboard. Rule 5 ➟ Toxicity at a major level will not be tolerated. Rule 6 ➟ Posting NSFW (Not Safe For Work) or Inappropriate images or messages is not allowed.
Rule 7 ➟ Discussion of sensitive topics such as: wars, politics / political leaders, terrorism is not allowed.
Rule 8 ➟ Swearing is allowed as long as it is not directed towards anyone, keep it to a minimum. Slurs will NOT be tolerated.
Rule 9 ➟ Discrimination of ANY form will not be tolerated.
Rule 10 ➟ Asking for or leaking personal information is strictly prohibited.
Rule 11 ➟ Threatening, attempting, or fullfilling the actions affiliated with doxxing, DDOSing, or harming community members will result in a permanent removal from the MineWave network. "Joking" about this is treated as such as well.
Rule 12 ➟ Respect Staff Members decisions and do not argue with them. If you disagree with a decision a staff member made please redirect your complaint to a staff report ticket in Our Support Channel!
Rule 13 ➟ If you have been punished please appeal in our Support Channel. Do NOT discuss your punishment publicly.
Rule 14 ➟ Advertising your own social media (Unless on the topic of MineWave), Discord or Minecraft servers, or websites is not allowed; this also applies to unwanted DM invites. (Note: Short videos or memes / images are allowed).
Rule 15 ➟ It is the players responsibility to be updated on all MineWave rules!
SERVER RULES______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Rule 1 ➟ Hacked clients and macros are not allowed, this includes: flight, speed, killaura, auto-clickers / fishers and x-raying. This is not a complete list and we reserve the right to punish for clients or hacks not specifically mentioned.
Rule 2 ➟ Impersonation of staff members is not allowed, you may help other members in-game but claiming you are staff or renaming yourself to impersonate a staff member is punishable.
Rule 3 ➟ Real life trading and / or cross-network trading is not allowed. This refers to exchanging in-game items for real world currencies or currencies between two servers.
Rule 4 ➟ If you come across a bug (no matter how minor) you have an obligation to report it, if caught abusing or misusing the bug (unless in an attempt to gain evidence) will result in a punishment being issued.
Rule 5 ➟ Punishment evasion is not allowed. This includes using an alternative account to speak or join the network. This does NOT include talking through books, signs or renaming items, as this is a Minecraft game mechanic.
Rule 6 ➟ Advertising other networks, services, websites, or promoting your own social media accounts (unless on the topic of MineWave) is strictly prohibited. Posting MineWave related links is permitted.
Rule 7 ➟ Spamming 3+ messages or 15+ characters in a row or short timeframe is not allowed. This includes character spamming, message spamming, and repeatedly killing users over and over again to flood chat.
Rule 8 ➟ Discrimination or slurs will not be tolerated. This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, or any other forms of discrimination.
Rule 9 ➟ Harassment or targeted bullying towards players is not allowed.
Rule 10 ➟ Malicious links that are harmful is not allowed, and will result in a permanent removal from the MineWave network.
Rule 11 ➟ Excessive swearing is not allowed. Please keep your use of swear words to a minimum, and do not direct any towards players.
Rule 12 ➟ Toxicity or player disrespect will not be tolerated. Think twice before you send a message, if you're really frustrated with a player in chat make a support ticket.
Rule 13 ➟ Promotion of self harm or incitements of death or serious harm / injury will not be tolerated. This is extremely harmful and any message relating to this will be an instant punishment.
Rule 14 ➟ Speaking other languages other then English in main chat is not permitted. This is due to our moderation team (for the most part) being unable to understand other languages. In the event a player does not speak English, translation apps can be used to communicate. Other languages are permitted in private messages and team chat.
Rule 15 ➟ Inappropriate or NSFW skins or usernames will result in a permanent removal from the MineWave Network until changed. You will need to provide evidence of the change for the punishment to be revoked.
Rule 16 ➟ Teleport trapping or killing is strictly prohibited on Survival. This also includes the attempt to TP kill / trap, even if it is unsuccessful.
Rule 17 ➟ Threats of any kind, whether a joke or not, will not be tolerated. The excuse of "I was just joking" will not be accepted within an appeal. Regardless of whether it is a joke or not, it is not allowed.
Rule 18 ➟ Attempting to duplicate items or successfully duplicating items will result in a permanent removal from the MineWave Network.
Rule 19 ➟ Griefing or stealing is not allowed, in both claimed and unclaimed land within 15 blocks of a user's claim.